Custom Made Kitchen Design – Curating the Perfect Traditional Kitchen

Posted on: 19 November 2018

Contemporary kitchens, without a doubt, are one of the most popular designs that homeowners go for when remodelling their kitchen. Nonetheless, this does not discount the appeal of traditional kitchens. In recent years, the traditional design of kitchens has seen a resurgence as homeowners want to create an attractive and functional space that will have a timeless appeal. However, when you choose custom made traditional kitchen design for your house, you should know the main features that should be included in your renovation. Below are a few of the essential features to have when you are curating the perfect traditional kitchen.

Decorative architectural elements

One of the main things that you will notice about a traditional kitchen design is that it is characterised by unique architectural elements that make it stand out from other kitchen designs. For instance, crown mouldings are a standard feature in a traditional kitchen, as these add an elegant embellishment to the space. Another decorative element you should include is wainscoting on your kitchen island, which will make this surface stand out. Scour for other adornments that will add decorative elements to your kitchen while also making it as unique as possible. You can then choose to paint these adornments the same colour scheme with the rest of your kitchen or choose a different colour so that they can stand out.

A neutral hue

While splashes of colour are steadily becoming a mainstay in Australian kitchens, if you want to stick true to a traditional kitchen, then you have to tame down your colour scheme. The main reason why neutral hues work well in a traditional kitchen is that the subtle colours work to make your materials and architectural design stand out. Nevertheless, this does not mean that your colour scheme has to be boring. Lean toward crisp whites if you want to create a stark contrast. Alternatively, employ warm hues to make the traditional kitchen design cosier.

High-end benchtops

When choosing the benchtops for your kitchen, you should be ready to splurge. Although there are many ways to cost-save when designing a traditional kitchen, it is advisable to have your benchtops stand out since they are one of the focal points in the space. Choose luxurious materials such as granite or quartz that will stand out while bolstering the visual appeal of the kitchen. If your budget is flexible, you should consider marble, as this would add an unparalleled edge when compared to other benchtop supplies.  

For more ideas, work with a contractor that offers custom made kitchen designs


My Home and Garden Blog

Hello! My name is Tina and I would like to invite you all to explore this wonderful new blog. The subject I will be writing about is how to improve your home and garden. It is sometimes easy to overlook our homes and gardens, especially if you are busy with work or bringing up your kids. However, taking a little bit of time out to improve the environment in which you live can have a positive effect on your well-being. I know this because last year, I hired a team of contractors and asked them to renovate my home and garden. I am super pleased with the results. Read on to find out more.

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