How to Make Your Home a Fortress with a Security Front Door

Posted on: 29 July 2019

According to one study in the UK, three out of four burglars may actually enter your home through the front door! Evidently, they may look less out of place if they are standing next to it (as they could be a potential visitor) and it will certainly draw less attention entering this way than if they were to be seen breaking some glass elsewhere. If you're worried about this statistic then you should be thinking about installing a security door, as these have many advantages. What should you be looking at?

Look and Feel

There are a number of different types of security door, but if you think that they will make your house look like a prison and detract from your investment, then you may be surprised. A steel-reinforced security door can be made to look exactly like a fibreglass or wood option, but it can still represent a significant deterrent to a would-be intruder.

Build Quality

When you install a door like this it will have a specially-engineered hinge system which is guaranteed to thwart the efforts of a bad guy. The door cannot be opened from this side even if the hinge pins are removed and the hinge may actually be hidden anyway so that it's very difficult to access.


Due to the nature of its construction, it will be very difficult for a thief to force a bar of some kind in behind the lock. Even if they were to try, they would quickly see that this task was futile and that the door was reinforced, so would likely run off to try somewhere else.

Key Security

This kind of door can be configured in many different ways, so if you want a keyless lock then you can choose this option. This will allow you to change the combination whenever you need to, and you can even get a lock that is activated by your fingerprint.

You needn't worry if the would-be thief is particularly crafty and may have been able to get hold of your front door key. Even if they were, they wouldn't be able to duplicate it, as this can only be done by the manufacturer, where they would encounter several layers of security, identification and paperwork.

Securing Your Home

You've invested a lot of money in your property and want to keep it and your contents as secure as possible. Therefore, make sure that you invest in a high-quality security door from a trusted manufacturer and get it professionally installed at the outset.

To learn more about security doors, contact a provider and find out what other options are available for these useful products.


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Hello! My name is Tina and I would like to invite you all to explore this wonderful new blog. The subject I will be writing about is how to improve your home and garden. It is sometimes easy to overlook our homes and gardens, especially if you are busy with work or bringing up your kids. However, taking a little bit of time out to improve the environment in which you live can have a positive effect on your well-being. I know this because last year, I hired a team of contractors and asked them to renovate my home and garden. I am super pleased with the results. Read on to find out more.

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