Everything You Need to Know Before Choosing a Kitchen Benchtop

Posted on: 12 April 2021

When it comes to renovating, there are many decisions to be made. But one of the most important is choosing your kitchen benchtop. With so many options out there and a large range in prices, this can seem like quite a daunting task. Here are some basics things you need to know before committing to a particular type of benchtop.

1. Your kitchen design

Benchtops should be the first thing that you decide upon when it comes to your kitchen renovation. As there are so many different types, varieties and colours of benchtops available, it pays to have a good idea of what your kitchen will look like before you choose. For example, if you choose a dark timber benchtop that is highly polished, then this may clash with lighter cabinets or wall colour. Get all these things right from the beginning for a smooth transition throughout the rest of the renovation process.

2. Practicality

If you are looking for an easy-to-clean surface that also looks good, then laminate benchtops are probably going to be your best choice. They are available in a range of colours and look great for kitchen countertop space-saving. 

On the other hand, if you have a very large family and a lot of friends coming round for dinner then glass or granite worktops will be more practical. These materials are harder-wearing and the surface reflects light so that when you use your benchtop as an island, it will shine. There's also something about glass, or granite, that makes the kitchen seem to be brighter.

3. Durability

Decide if you want a durable and long-lasting benchtop or one that can be easily replaced. Laminate benchtops are much easier to change when they get damaged or worn out, so if you have young children who like to help in the kitchen, it is worth considering this option. On the other hand, glass inserts are typically very expensive to repair so if you have children, think very carefully before choosing this option.

4. Maintenance and cleaning

Kitchen benches that have a laminate surface need to be cleaned every once in a while. You can use warm soapy water with a soft cloth on it, but in order to keep your kitchen looking fresh and clean, then consider going for a glass or granite tabletop.

As part of the kitchen benchtop design process, you should also ensure that your chosen material is easy to clean. For example, if you go for glass inserts then make sure that they are easy to remove and replace. This can save you lots of time and money later on when the benchtop needs replacing.


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Hello! My name is Tina and I would like to invite you all to explore this wonderful new blog. The subject I will be writing about is how to improve your home and garden. It is sometimes easy to overlook our homes and gardens, especially if you are busy with work or bringing up your kids. However, taking a little bit of time out to improve the environment in which you live can have a positive effect on your well-being. I know this because last year, I hired a team of contractors and asked them to renovate my home and garden. I am super pleased with the results. Read on to find out more.

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